Uplifting music
At JCBC, we love to sing Christ honoring hymns and songs that lift up our hearts in worship to the Lord.
Encouraging fellowship
You can never escape a friendly handshake or a smile after walking into our church. After the services, you will find that we tend to talk and linger. We are never in a rush to leave and the Pastor is always available to talk to. We love to encourage one another in the Lord here at JCBC.
Young families
Our church has both singles and couples, young and old. But if you visit JCBC, you will discover that young families make up the most of our congregation.
With so many young families, our church has quite a few children, too. If you have a small child, you won't have to worry about whether he or she will fit in. Your child will be welcomed and will enjoy our purposeful children's classes and safe, clean nursery. Children are encouraged to sit in the services with their parents and learn what real worship is all about. We believe in families worshiping the Lord together and after the services, they will have a great time together with their new friends.
Biblical preaching
The most important part of the services at JCBC is the preaching of God's Word. It is the Word of God that changes lives. Because of this it is the Word of God that we elevate and teach in every class, activity, and service. Every week, Pastor Adam Langston brings a helpful message from the Bible that will encourage you to know the Lord and walk with the Lord.
Accepting Atmosphere
At JCBC we are all growing together in Christ. No matter where you are in your journey, we promise to accept you and to help you grow with us. We are striving to connect lives to Christ at Junction City Baptist Church.